ALEX v10 styles


Primary Palette
RGB 9, 129, 176
ALEX Orange
RGB 255, 132, 88
RGB 144, 211, 211
Light blue
RGB 210, 237, 243
RGB 255, 65, 65
Secondary/Text Palette
RGB 128, 128, 128
RGB 51, 51, 51
Light gray
RGB 250, 250, 250

Typography - Voice of ALEX

I’m here to help you make informed decisions about your benefits. Shall we begin?
Question, with emphasis
Sometimes I will emphasize things, but only when they really need it.
Potential savings with a limited network: $870
Bullet list
Bullet list with header and number comparison
With one of your plans
Floating table
January 6, 2017 $300
April 7, 2017 $300
July 7, 2017 $300
October 6, 2017 $300
Card with plan name
A Very Good Plan
Card with a header and explanation
Kind of a Bad Plan
This plan stinks. You'll lose all of your money because somehow this plan forces you to spend all of your money caring for a miniature horse that you aren't even allowed to see a picture of. Please don't pick it.
* Don’t include your preventive check-up! One per person is fully covered, each year.
* Whole numbers are required in these fields.

Inputs - Voice of the user

Choice Cancel button, or text link Quantity input
$ for the year
My neck
My back
Radio button
Choose wisely
Choose poorly

Stage elements

Menu button Module title
Pause button Play button Progress bar

Cost comparison

Basic cost comparison
No Coverage
Recommended plan Plan with a called-out feature
How Bout Them Apples PPO
Placeholder provides an HRA with $1,000
Currently talked-about feature
Miss Lippy's Car is Green
potential savings
Descriptive text below comparison bar cards
Estimate for:
2 checkups with cleanings and x-rays for each of you
Comparison color key
Estimated OOP
Maximum OOP

12-column grid

The most common configurations
All sorts of configurations to feast your eyes on